Sensational discovery, or what is concealed under the fur Toby
How totally headlines, and the damage, Mrs. Maggie, babysitter Toby in a hotel, made a discovery that will become a revolution in psologii and its related psowistyce.
findings were scissors tool, and its core the fact that beneath the lush fur and skołtunionym Tobi hid represented an extremely valuable maskotterrier race.
It is almost a dying breed, because it has not yet been discovered, which completely prevented the farmers any action on its behalf.
Is priceless, the world's only representative of the breed maskotterrier is still living in the hotel pen?!
PS Tobi wrote in a comment that it is worth to your baby before adoption spay. You're right, Tobi! Sterilizes charges where the financial, sterilization had recently Dasha, Nora and bark, now next in line are females, because females have priority. Unfortunately, it all depends on when I manage to collect the necessary sum.
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